Menopause Support
Menopause is a time of intense change in a woman’s life, often triggering many different emotions, some of which can be uncomfortable, conflicting and difficult to understand and process.
Unfortunately we can’t pick or choose which emotions we want to feel, such as just the happy positive ones. We shouldn’t see these emotions as barriers, but rather as something that points us in the right direction of what action you can take to move forward.
Learning to understand your emotions rather than neglect and misunderstand them will give you that opportunity to use this time of transition to find a happy and peaceful way forward - a new stage of opportunity and strength.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss
Pregnancy and infant loss is the loss of an expected life. A parent may lose a pregnancy through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, premature birth, stillbirth, fertility difficulties or a complicated and difficult pregnancy.
The hope, dreams and expectations you had for the future with your child began long before your heartache…….healing from the pain means acknowledging those hopes and dreams and understanding it’s perfectly normal to grieve them too.